Shakeel Mohammed
Shakeel Mohammed has been with SLM Corporate since 2017. His significant valuation experience allows him to support ASX-listed and private clients with trusted guidance pertaining to transactions and financial reporting. He also advises on benchmarking and structuring compensation packages for boards and senior management of listed and unlisted companies.
Shakeel takes a diligent and practical approach to preparing comprehensive reports that deliver an accurate understanding of value and allow informed decision making.
Shakeel has honed his technical expertise and deep knowledge of the mining sector through his involvement in preparing independent expert reports for clients including BHP, Newcrest Mining and OZ Minerals.
Areas of specialty
- Valuations
- Financial modelling
- Remuneration consulting
Sectors of expertise
- Mining
- Education
- Industrials
- Master of Business Administration – Melbourne Business School
- Master of Sciences (Industrial Engineering) - Columbia University, New York